Our lovely client in Guildford is looking for a part time Housekeeper to help keep on top of the running and cleaning o their 4 bedroom home.

They would like someone to do one long day of 6 hours on a Thursday, and then 2 shorter days but they are flexible on when those are done. They are looking for someone who can do deep cleaning, organising, tidying, laundry, ironing, cupboard and drawer organisation, wardrobe management and some light cooking for the family.

Hours: 10-12 hours per week (one lot of 6 hours and 2 lots of 2 or 3 hours) 10 to 12 hour in total

Salary: £16-17gph

Start: ASAP

Location: Guildford

If you are interested in this position please contact Holly at Hummingbird Homestaff on 07852 944 773.

Applications for Part time Housekeeper needed for family in Guildford

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Walton on Thames
Start date 9th August, 2021
Remuneration £16-17gph