Our lovely clients in Tilehurst, Reading are looking for a part time housekeeper. The family home is beautiful and they would like a housekeeper with good attention to detail and a thoughtful, caring person.

The family work full time and the role will include cleaning bathrooms and kitchen areas, cleaning floors and surfaces, laundry and ironing, bedding and towel changes. making sure the house is tidy and organised.

Hours are: 10 hours over 2 days and flexible on days

Salary: £17/18gph

Immediate start

There are no childcare duties or pet care in this role so a lovely position for a dedicated housekeeper with experience working in a family home.

Call Kerry at Hummingbird Homestaff for more information on 07966 495438

Applications for Tilehurst Reading - Housekeeper part time

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Tilehurst
Start date 24th February, 2025
Remuneration £18gph