Why nannies don't clean..
Lots of clients ask us what level of cleaning they can expect their nanny to do and our response will always be that any cleaning undertaken by a nanny will be child based only and that this is the norm for fully trained and qualified nannies who have spent years on training then they won’t be willing to spend time away from the children as this is where their heart lies. We recommend that the cleaning duties around the home not related to the children are left to cleaners or a housekeeper to undertake.
Lots of clients ask us what level of cleaning they can expect their nanny to do and our response will always be that any cleaning undertaken by a nanny will be child based only and that this is the norm for fully trained and qualified nannies who have spent years on training then they won’t be willing to spend time away from the children as this is where their heart lies. We recommend that the cleaning duties around the home not related to the children are left to cleaners or a housekeeper to undertake.
Nannies are happy to take on the cleaning of the playrooms , nursery and children’s bedrooms and bathrooms as well as caring for their equipment like wiping up a sticky highchair or getting crumbs off the kitchen floor – practical things that are tidy as you go and mean that things are ready for the next time they are needed.
Nannies will also care for the children’s clothes and school uniforms and sports kit but this is usually where it ends. They will launder the children’s clothes from start to finish if required to and will iron school shirts and blouses or trousers but this will not include the laundering of the parent’s clothes as this is not their domain.
There will always be an exception to the rule and most families who are nanny friendly and go out of their way to help her help them will usually get a positive response to a question like “ If you get a moment please would you iron my husband’s shirt as he needs it for a meeting tomorrow “ .. most nannies would find it hard to say No and would iron the shirt. The problem lies when one occasional shirt suddenly becomes a pile of 6 shirts and wiping the kitchen table is now mopping the kitchen floor and hoovering the hall , stairs and landing as these jobs too would be a huge favour and greatly appreciated..
And so it begins .. Housework and cleaning knows no limits and very quickly , one small favour is suddenly a new and very big job which grows by the week and all the while she still has to take care of the children and do everything else she was doing to start with sound in the knowledge that her role within the home is no longer Nanny as she has unwittingly become nanny, cleaner, housekeeper and errand runner, dog walker and laundress, and dishwasher emptier.. and so the list goes on. Her role is changed beyond recognition, her time with the children is less and less as there is so much to do and long gone are the qualifications she once needed as she spends most of her time looking after the house instead of looking after the children..and all without the hint of a discussion first and mention of possible wage rise.. Is there any other industry where this would happen.?
Nannies who have experienced this will usually only experience it once as they will either see it as a way of keeping the role with the family longer as she is suddenly the one person who can do everything and they couldn’t function without her. Or , the other way is that the nanny sees how she makes the family’s life so much easier and they fully appreciate her for the added value she brings with her so make sure she is aware they are grateful for her efforts.
So these are the reasons why we recommend the nanny cleaning duties and limited to the children only – it keeps things clean. Cleaning is for cleaners and nannies are for children!
Linnea Tormajer