3 Advantages of Having a Night Nanny
Night nannies can make those early months of parenthood a little easier. If you’re considering hiring a night nanny, here are three reasons why you absolutely should...
The number of night nannies has been steadily increasing in recent years, as more and more parents turn to night nannies to help them navigate the sleep-deprived days of early parenthood. It’s no wonder, then, that more of the best nanny agencies in the UK are offering this service.
However, there’s no denying that a night nanny is a big expense, especially during a time when money can typically be tighter than usual anyway. It makes sense, then, that if you decide to hire a night nanny, you should be completely sure that your chosen nanny is the right person for you and your family.
With that in mind, read on to discover more about the role of a night nanny, the benefits of hiring a night nanny, and how the best nanny agencies in the UK can help you find the perfect fit for your family...
What is a night nanny?
A night nanny is a specialist type of nanny that offers help during typical sleeping hours. They will arrive at a client’s home at about 9pm-10pm, and leave between 6am-7am, helping parents handle those tricky night times that come hand in hand with early parenthood.
During that time, they are on hand to help with tasks such as feeding, changing, and soothing the babies, giving the parents a chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep. They can also help implement a sleep routine, making night nannies and ideal solution for families with two working parents, with twins, or those with no family support nearby.
Why choose a night nanny?
There’s no denying the huge benefits of hiring a night nanny. However, as a leading nanny agency in the UK, over the years, we have identified three of the most common reasons that parents choose to have a night nanny.
1. To help with first-time babies
Many couples find nighttime with a new baby daunting. They worry that they aren’t establishing a good sleep routine and get concerned about the room's temperature – too hot or too cold - and wonder if the baby is feeding properly.
In such cases, an experienced night nanny will help by giving parents some respite and a chance to catch up on sleep, but also by offering help and advice on night routines. They will also bring hands-on expertise in teething, winding, and recognising symptoms of colic, reflux, and other common paediatric conditions too.
2. Following a difficult birth experience
For many new mothers, birth is unpredictable, and there can be complex decisions to be made during the birth period, which can be exhausting in themselves.
For parents who have had a challenging birth. a night nurse gives them a chance to recuperate and restore themselves to full health, both physically and emotionally. You can’t run on empty, and a good night’s sleep is a vital part of the healing process - so hiring a night nanny can give mothers the time to rest and heal.
3. Sleep issues with an earlier child
It’s not uncommon for new babies to be difficult to settle. However, where parents have already experienced one baby's fussiness, they often like to ensure they have an expert in sleep issues on hand to prevent the same problems from arising again.
A night maternity nurse will help settle the baby to sleep, change nappies, and take care of night feeds, as well as keep a record of the night’s activities. Finally, they’ll also get the baby ready for the day by changing him or her into day clothes and even stay a bit longer in the morning if they’ve been pre-booked for a couple of extra hours to give parents the chance to lie in or spend time with their other children, making the transition of an additional baby easier for everyone in the family.
What about a maternity nurse?
Often the alternative to a night nanny is to have a maternity nurse working for you. This has two advantages: First, it can be cheaper than hiring a night nanny, and second, it allows the family to benefit from having a maternity nurse on hand at all times.
Situations, where this is particularly useful, include times when a new mum may be struggling to breastfeed or is experiencing either baby blues or the more rare and difficult post-natal depression.
If you’re not sure whether to hire a night nanny or explore the option of a maternity nurse, rest assured that as a specialist nanny agency, Hummingbird can help you determine which is the best solution for you.
Maternity and night nurses from Hummingbird
At Hummingbird Home Staff, one of the best nanny agencies in the UK, we have years of experience helping families navigate the newborn period by finding them the right childcare support. From night nannies to maternity nurses or even nanny housekeepers, we’ll find the right nanny to help you adjust to life with a new addition.
Having a new baby is a huge period of adjustment, so let our expert team help to take the pressure off and help you find peace of mind and calm. If you’d like to learn more about our services and how we can help you, contact us today for a chat.