If New Year blues are getting to you...
If New Year blues are getting to you, the solution could be hiring home help, and restructuring your lifestyle using a private household staff agency.
We have all heard that retailers are struggling because we’re no longer spending on stuff!! What families increasingly want is experiences. While having nice things is good on one level, we’re finally waking up to the fact that what’s better for the soul is to live well.
So, maybe you have signed up for a new gym class, or are taking a walk in the park every day – However, all the people we speak to have one problem in common that’s not cured by any of the usual array of New Year’s resolutions. They are all short of time.
Hummingbird give you back Time and its invaluable!
Our advice is to adopt the same approach with your private life as you do with running a successful company. If you look at your overall spend – including outgoings for the gardener and cleaner, for example, as well as for bills and holidays – then look at how much quality time you get once you’ve cooked meals, organised those holidays, driven the family to where they need to go, been to the gym, finished off some work. The likelihood is that you’re ending up time poor. So why?
Imagine now, that you have someone in your home every day, maybe just for a few hours, and they prepare your evening meals, pick children up.from school. Order your food shopping, tidy up a bit, make sure the light bulbs are changed and walk the dog, too.
Private household staff agencies
Private household staff agencies such as Hummingbird can tailor-make a role, meaning your new member of staff comes in and does everything you need them to. In fact, we have some nannies who also spend time helping in other ways, they can be everything from admin assistant to childcare and cook.
We offer a free home visit where we discuss the things that could make your life time rich. So treat your life more like a business. We’re sure it’ll be the best January change you’ll ever make.